Accept, Heal, Learn, Move On!!

Source: unsplash

Dear Fellow Youth,

I thought I should share with you a golden lesson I’ve picked along my entrepreneurial journey. I’ve learnt that there are two things in life: you can either spend your precious time worrying about things that happened in the PAST, such as people who broke your heart in the past ; a job opportunity you lost in the past ; a twenty shillings coin you lost in the past, the colonialists who exploited your forefathers in the past ; an exam that you failed in the past ; a scar you got during a stupid fight in the past……..or or orrrr, or , and I repeat, OR, you can spend your time learning to focus your energy on the numerous possibilities of all good things that could happen in the FUTURE… redirect your energy to things that you’ve got control over…things that matter…

If you failed yesterday, don’t just sing and say “my tomorrow will be greater than today”, rather, sing while doing something different TODAY…eg, if you didn’t do well in your previous exam, study hard for your next one today, …if you didn’t pass that last interview, review and see what went wrong so that you ace the next one…or even better, while hunting for jobs, think of potential business ideas you could turn into viable ventures and start pitching…don’t get tired of pitching, don’t get tired of going for interviews, just don’t get tired…just because the door you knocked on yesterday didn’t open, doesn’t mean all doors are closed.

Last but not least, I will reiterate the importance of moving on, and redirecting your youthful energy to things that really matter. Last time I checked, unless in movies, it’s not possible for us to go back in time and change things that happened in the past, we can only painfully accept that they happened, heal and move on…once we do that , our eyes starts seeing all the amazing opportunities that the universe presents us with TODAY…have a great Sunday, y’all and BE AWESOME!!

Yours truly,

2 thoughts on “Accept, Heal, Learn, Move On!!

  1. Thank you Waruks for the encouragement. You have reminded us of an important and significant life hack that everyone should embrace as we walk this dynamic journey called life.

    Keep writing!

    I can’t wait to read your next blog.

    Wee niyule msee!

    Liked by 1 person

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