Every Entrepreneur’s Struggle

It is funny how whenever you post something with a caption such as “guys help me repost my hustle”, you get 2 likes, 1 comment from your mum or partner saying ‘way to go’ and then 0 reposts …but when you post a photo of your business being recognized on national/international TV or newspaper or having won an award, you get 600 likes, 50 love reactions, 116 wow reactions, 64 care and heart reactions, 115 congratulations comments, 18 comments saying stuff like ‘Ukiomoka usitusahau’, ‘My cousin/bro/siz/bestie/classmate/neighbor nailing it!’ or ‘check your inbox please’….. don’t forget the 32 reposts with people trying to show others that they know you…it is funny….it is very funny…or is it?… let’s reflect on that for a minute!

Thank you for attending my Ted Talk 😊

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