Covid Dilemma …What Do I Know?

Everyone spent the entire of last year and this year saying, “Mask up, sanitize, stay at home” yet very few cared to think about those who depended on being OUT there…being where people are … Being where crowds are…and we still don’t seem to realize that, while some people have successfully adjusted to the new normal, most people are still clinging on “Nangoja Corona Iishe!”…we seem to think and assume life has gone back to normal…our friends are normal…the country is normal…Zoom and Google meet makes life easy …yet still, I can tell you of very many people whose businesses went to shit… others lost jobs and can’t find any because not so many companies are hiring any more….Families have been torn apart because of spending too much time together and well, we all know what too much familiarity does to people…young teenage girls have had their dreams tampered with because of unwanted pregnancies, especially last year when the schools were shut down…etc

Yet we all seem to be very interested in hearing news of “how many more cases” or “have you taken the jab yourself!”… Just because your friend is sharing memes doesn’t mean they are okay. Depression & Anxiety is on the rise…people are dying from hunger, others are being murdered by bandits (like what is happening in Merti right now, yet you probably don’t even know about that…. how about the ethnic violence in Jaldesa, Marsabit?) while others are dying from all sorts of things… we’ve been so scared of death by Covid that we seem to have forgotten that there are other millions of ways people could die while in isolation…our law enforcement officers no longer care much about the spread of the disease as long as the matatu driver pays them “their” dues…our politicians, the so called “able leaders” don’t give a damn about you as well…they will bring crowds together like I recently witnessed in Kiambaa….

My point: When a crisis happens, the less fortunate are hit the hardest. I asked one person why the the people would risk their lives to join a political campaign and well I got a question instead: “Would you rather stay at home safe from Covid and hungry as hell or would you accept the 200 shillings and go cheer your winning “leader”?”….well, these are my musings but WHAT DO I KNOW?


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